What is the Masters programme and what do its students learn?
Interaction-Ivrea�s two-year programme leads to the award of our Masters Diploma in Interaction Design. Our students learn to design interactive products, services and experiences based on information and communications technology.
How is the programme organized?
The academic year, from early October to early June, has three terms divided by a winter and a spring break. Over the summer between the two years, students are encouraged to take relevant internships in companies and organizations worldwide.
How is learning and teaching done?
The programme is above all about design. So it emphasizes �learning by doing�: students spend most of their time designing and making in the studios, materials workshops, and electronics and media laboratories.
The main teaching methods are also (of course) interactive. So, although some formal lectures are given, seminars, workshops and one-to-one tutoring are more usual. There are also regular �critiques� in which students present ongoing or completed projects to the Interaction-Ivrea community and invited guests.
Where do our students and faculty come from?
From diverse cultures, backgrounds and professional experiences�currently from nearly two dozen countries and over a dozen different disciplines, like architecture and art, business studies, computer science, engineering, graphic and product design, psychology and cognitive science. Most students, too, come with previous professional experience. So the social and intellectual atmosphere is abundantly diverse, vital, creative and ever-changing.
All instruction, however, is in English.