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Milan Furniture Fair 2005
Strangely Familiar Future


Press release
Touch Me
Tecno and Interaction Ivrea

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  Steven Graham Blyth
  Jennifer L. Bove
  Giovanni Cannata
  Andreea Chelaru
  Benjamin Dove
  Bernd Hitzeroth
  Erez Kikin-Gil
  Ruth Kikin-Gil
  Maya Lotan
  Patray Lui
  Myriel Milicevic
  �znur �zkurt
  Christian Palino
  Simone Pia
  Anurag Sehgal
  Thomas Stovicek
  Akemi Tazaki
  Haraldur M�r Unnarsson
  Nathan D. Waterhouse

  Anurag Sehgal (India)
Expertise   Fashion design, interaction design, wearables, ubiquitous computing
Education   B.A. in Fashion Design, National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi, India (2001)
Bio   With a background in fashion design and a graduation project on wearable electronics, Anurag was quickly absorbed into The Crossing Project, a research initiative of Xerox PARC and Interaction-Ivrea Explorer Ranjit Makkuni. His work there concentrated on the design and implementation of hand crafted interface design, wearable electronics and monolithic displays, which acted as learning modules to access information in an interactive multimedia exhibition. In the year prior to joining Interaction-Ivrea, he engaged in self-explorations and proposals on ubiquitous computing.
Focus   He plans to explore the field of ubiquitous computing and indulge in physical interface design. His interests lie in ergonomic, body-friendly and wearable products and aims to reduce various liabilities in current computers and electronics. His inclination towards providing complete solutions allows him to provide input on the software and technology facets of interaction design as well.
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