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Pronto? I�m Almost There
Synchronising communication and navigation devices for in-car use

Author: �znur �zkurt (Turkey)
Supervisors: Jan-Christoph Zoels, Simona Maschi and P�r Heyden

Idea/problem/context In-car navigation and communication systems are becoming common. But they remain unconnected to each other, and entering addresses or phone numbers into them takes time, involves referring manually to one�s PDA, for instance, and can dangerously divert attention from driving. Getting behind the steering wheel, in short, means abandoning how one normally organizes a busy life.

What it is Pronto is a navigation and communication system for car drivers which accepts data from the driver�s digital address and appointment books and uses it to simplify interaction with itself.

How it works Get into your car: Pronto automatically synchronises wirelessly with the digital address and appointment books in your PDA, phone or laptop, thus learning the location and contact person of your current trip�s destination. It plans the route, offers traffic updates, and adjusts its communication channel to give priority to the destination contact, later scheduled contacts, and your frequent contact list. So, without having to use an address book or search long menus, you can phone the people you most probably need to contact during the journey. The current interface includes a touch-screen, �head-up� projection on the windscreen, and a dashboard-mounted progress-bar display. Location-monitoring is a core aspect: Pronto can, for example, by comparing your appointment time with your current location and speed, automatically warn your contact that you may be late and estimate your arrival time.

Value/Potential GPS navigation systems allow drivers to find their way without needing to consult an atlas on the seat beside them. Similarly, synchronizing the driver�s personal data with the navigation system makes more simple, convenient and safe the route-planning and communication tasks associated with driving. Personal data acquired by the system might also, if the driver wishes, give personalized access to public and commercial location-based services.

download QuickTime Movie (video by Andrea Pierri) - 2.12 MB

�znur �zkurt
2005 graduate
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