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Light Appliances
A runner�s companion

Author: Giovanni Cannata (Italy)
Supervisors: Heather Martin and Massimo Banzi

Idea/problem/context Someone thought that when he sends me an email I would not be able to receive it if my computer were off. He asked me to leave the email program on when turning off the computer, or call him when I turn the computer on again. Regardless of age or education, many people do not use the Internet because they do not know how to use a computer. Concentrating on Italy, this project proposes a system for accessing internet communication and media without using a PC.

What it is Light Appliances is a system, supported by a service, comprising a �dropper� (a single-button remote control) and six appliances, each with a single function and all without buttons: 1) a digital picture frame showing photos, associated with phone numbers and email addresses, of your friends, 2) a phone, 3) a video camera, 4) a box that prints and delivers emails, 5) audio speakers, and 6) a �parasite� which, leaned against a TV, sucks images from it.

How it works Point the dropper at appliance X: X will light up. Now swing the dropper towards appliance Y: Y will light up, indicating that X�s media content has been �dragged and dropped� into it. Drag and drop music from the phone to the speakers, for example. Or caress the picture frame until your friend appears in it, drag and drop to the phone, then talk to her.

Value/Potential The Italian government and companies are investing heavily in new solutions for Internet access, and interest in Internet services is growing. But many people resist this trend. Buttonless, gesture-controlled, single-function appliances have a simplicity and intuitive naturalness which reassures those unwilling or unable to use a computer. They also allow the more technologically confident to operate with more ease and efficiency.

download QuickTime Movie (video by Andrea Pierri) - 1.39 MB

Giovanni Cannata
2005 graduate
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Annual Event 2005
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