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Exit//End of Year Show 2005
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Milan Furniture Fair 2005
Strangely Familiar Future


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Touch Me
Tecno and Interaction Ivrea

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Researchers undertake a variety of research projects under the guidance of the faculty. Assistants work on projects with companies, exhibitions and events. Here below are listed all the researchers and assistants that have worked for Interaction Ivrea, with their background and the name of the project in which they have been involved.

Academic year 2004-05

Gianluca Alessio (Italy)
San Siro, Touch me

Silvia Angster (Italy)
Communication consultant
Tecnologia Tecnologie

Walter Aprile (Italy)
Visual communications, graphic design, GUI design, software
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Strangely Familiar, School again

Andrea Arosio (Italy)
Graphic Designer
Applied Dreams Nokia, Hitachi, Serial service uses of MMS, Alcatel

Anna Barbara (Italy)
Textile designer
Touch me

Elena Bobbola (Italy)
Graphic Designer
Applied Dreams Nokia, Hitachi, Serial service uses of MMS, Alcatel

Alessandro Busseni (Italy)
Graphic designer
Tecnologia Tecnologie, vision, Death in Venice, Next 2004 -School again

Dario Buzzini (Italy)
Product & Interaction designer
World vision, Not so white wallpaper, School again, Next 2004, Fiat micro car, Vision, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Strangely Familiar, Strangely Future

Toke Barter (UK)
Interaction Designer
Applied Dreams Hitachi

Britta Boland (Germany)
Visual communications, graphic design, GUI design
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, School again, La memoria degli oggetti

Cristina Casula (Italy)

Ailadi Cortelletti (Italy)
Design Intern
San Siro

David Cuartielles (Sweden)
Assistant professor, Interaction design school of arts and communication
Modules for wiring environment

Ketty Di Tardo (Italy)

R� Doubhtaigh (UK)
Interaction designer
Applied Dreams Calendar, Keyhole, Applied Dreams Hitachi

Tal Drori (Israel)
Interaction designer
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, San Siro, Applied Dreams Hitachi

Nick Durrant (UK)
Interaction Designer
Applied Dreams Hitachi

Alessandra Esposito (Italy)

Noemi Giangregorio (Italy)
Informatic programmer, Web master
Institute's website

Francesco Goria (Italy)
Graphic designer
Castiglioni, School again, San Siro, MicroCosmos

Micheal Hohl (UK)
Interaction designer
Design sketchbook

Alberto Iacovoni (UK)
La memoria degli oggetti

Crispin Jones (Italy)
Interaction designer
Death in Venice, Venice Biennale

Andreas Kraft (Germany)
Design director
Applied Dreams Nokia

Milena Maccaferri (Italy)
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice

Sara Manazza (Italy)
Death in Venice

Daniele Mancini (Italy)
Interaction designer
Firenze world vision, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, Festa della geografia, MicroCosmos

Nancy Martin (USA)
Textile designer
Touch me

Franz Metz (Germany)
Interaction designer
Applied Dreams Alcatel

Bruno Miotto (Italy)
Graphic designer
Tecnologia Tecnologie

Raphael Monzini (Italy)
Sound designer
Death in Venice, Tune Me, Touch me

Simone Muscolino (Italy)
Video maker
Beijing, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, Cloud, Strangely familiar, San Siro, La memoria degli oggetti

Giorgio Olivero (Italy)
Interaction designer
Instant soup, sony

Matteo Pastore (Italy)
firenze world vision Beijing, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, San Siro, Venice biennale

Carolina Rapetti (Italy)
Touch me

Matthias Richter (Germany)
Design Director
Applied Dreams Alcatel

Michal Rinott (Israel)
Interaction designer
sony, Instant soup, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, Touch me

Alie Rose (Italy)
Strategic designer
Applied Dreams Hitachi, Strangely future, End of year show

Francesca Sassaroli (Italy)
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, festa della geografia, MicroCosmos

Paolo Sancis (Netherlands)
Interaction designer
Instant soup

J�rgen Scheible (Finland)
Doctoral student
Applied Dreams Serial service uses of MMS, Applied Dreams Nokia

Manuela Serra (Italy)
Project Manager
Death in Venice, Pitti, Neozone, San Siro, MicroCosmos

Dave Slocombe (UK)
Interaction designer
Fiat micro car, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Applied Dreams Hitachi

Natasha Sopieva (Turkmenistan/Portugal)
Interaction designer
Fiat micro car, Convivio, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Innovation projects website, Project communication

Molly Steenson (USA)
Interaction designer
Applied Dreams Serial service uses of MMS

Stefano Testa (Italy)
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, Cloud, Touch me

Christine Truc Modica (French)
Interaction designer
Applied Dreams Serial service uses of MMS, Mattel

Line Ulrika Christiansen (Denmark)
Interaction designer
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Next 2004, Cloud, Touch me, Venice biennale

Alessandro Valli (Germany)
La memoria degli oggetti

Reto Wettach (Germany)
Action designer
Modules for wiring environment, Adacta

Francesco Zannier (Italy)
San Siro, Touch me

Tecnologia, tecnologie
Gli utracorpi al Festival della Scienza
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