San Siro, Touch me
Communication consultant
Tecnologia Tecnologie
Walter Aprile (Italy)
Visual communications, graphic design, GUI design, software
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Strangely Familiar, School again
Graphic Designer
Applied Dreams Nokia, Hitachi, Serial service uses of MMS, Alcatel
Textile designer
Touch me
Graphic Designer
Applied Dreams Nokia, Hitachi, Serial service uses of MMS, Alcatel
Graphic designer
Tecnologia Tecnologie, vision, Death in Venice, Next 2004 -School again
Dario Buzzini (Italy)
Product & Interaction designer
World vision, Not so white wallpaper, School again, Next 2004, Fiat micro car, Vision, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Strangely Familiar, Strangely Future
Interaction Designer
Applied Dreams Hitachi
Britta Boland (Germany)
Visual communications, graphic design, GUI design
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, School again, La memoria degli oggetti
Design Intern
San Siro
Assistant professor, Interaction design school of arts and communication
Modules for wiring environment
Interaction designer
Applied Dreams Calendar, Keyhole, Applied Dreams Hitachi
Tal Drori (Israel)
Interaction designer
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, San Siro, Applied Dreams Hitachi
Interaction Designer
Applied Dreams Hitachi
Informatic programmer, Web master
Institute's website
Graphic designer
Castiglioni, School again, San Siro, MicroCosmos
Interaction designer
Design sketchbook
La memoria degli oggetti
Interaction designer
Death in Venice, Venice Biennale
Design director
Applied Dreams Nokia
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice
Death in Venice
Interaction designer
Firenze world vision, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, Festa della geografia, MicroCosmos
Textile designer
Touch me
Interaction designer
Applied Dreams Alcatel
Graphic designer
Tecnologia Tecnologie
Sound designer
Death in Venice, Tune Me, Touch me
Video maker
Beijing, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, Cloud, Strangely familiar, San Siro, La memoria degli oggetti
Giorgio Olivero (Italy)
Interaction designer
Instant soup, sony
firenze world vision
Beijing, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, San Siro, Venice biennale
Touch me
Design Director
Applied Dreams Alcatel
Michal Rinott (Israel)
Interaction designer
sony, Instant soup, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, Touch me
Strategic designer
Applied Dreams Hitachi, Strangely future, End of year show
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, festa della geografia, MicroCosmos
Interaction designer
Instant soup
Doctoral student
Applied Dreams Serial service uses of MMS, Applied Dreams Nokia
Project Manager
Death in Venice, Pitti, Neozone, San Siro, MicroCosmos
Dave Slocombe (UK)
Interaction designer
Fiat micro car, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Applied Dreams Hitachi
Natasha Sopieva (Turkmenistan/Portugal)
Interaction designer
Fiat micro car, Convivio, Tecnologia Tecnologie, Innovation projects website, Project communication
Interaction designer
Applied Dreams Serial service uses of MMS
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Death in Venice, Cloud, Touch me
Interaction designer
Applied Dreams Serial service uses of MMS, Mattel
Line Ulrika Christiansen (Denmark)
Interaction designer
Tecnologia Tecnologie, Next 2004, Cloud, Touch me, Venice biennale
La memoria degli oggetti
Action designer
Modules for wiring environment, Adacta
San Siro, Touch me