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Press Review

press release
20 January 2005

Unusual Objects for Everyday Life
Interaction Design Institute Ivrea presents Strangely Familiar, a collection of domestic devices redesigned to provide simpler, more meaningful and poetic interactions

22 January 2005
Special event 22 January 2005 at 6.30pm
AB+ Via Della Basilica 13 (entrance from via Egidi)
10122 Torino

Our everyday domestic lives are saturated with digital circuits; we find them in our washing machines, radios, toasters, alarm clocks and telephones. Often manufacturers load superfluous features into a single device, complicating operations. In addition, devices often converge so that the personality of each object becomes blurred. For example, our mobile phone is now also a calculator and a camera (as well as the ubiquitous alarm clock, address book, videogame). The project of Interaction-Ivrea is to rethink everyday digital devices found in the domestic environment, and produce solutions that provide more meaningful and poetic interactions.

Taking cue from either a telephone, radio, answering machine or alarm clock, the students at Interaction-Ivrea have created a series of electronic interactive prototypes that amplify the lost qualities of the physical and tangible world. From a radio which can only be tuned by moving it across a flat surface, to an audio channel system which is always switched on just like a physical chat room, to an alarm clock that turns itself off by squeezing a teddy bear, the variations upon the theme are several. As always, each project has been conceived, developed and prototyped as a fully functioning device.

The ideas on show were generated during a four week class 'Strangely Familiar: Repurposing Everyday Devices' led by Heather Martin, Reto Wettach, Massimo Banzi and Yaniv Steiner. The work was then developed for a further two weeks during an Applied Dreams Workshop, led by Heather Martin, Massimo Banzi and Dario Buzzini. Special thanks go to Edoardo Brambilla for the modelmaking throughout the project.

Press Office

Sara Manuelli
[email protected]
0125 422 148
335 1035604

Strangely Familiar
Unusual Objects for Everyday Life
view photo gallery