14 November 2005
Per il secondo anno consecutivo IDI, Interaction Design Institute, che fa parte delle iniziative di formazione di Progetto Italia, � presente, dal 27 ottobre all�8 novembre 2005, alla terza edizione del Festival della Scienza.
IDI allestir� quattro stand nell�ambito dello Spazio Telecom, in Piazza delle Feste a Genova, (Porto Antico). Uno stand ospiter� tre progetti-tesi realizzati dai neodiplomati del master in interaction design, tra cui tecnologie indossabili, oggetti per navigare �magicamente� in Internet e software per avvicinare parenti e amici lontani.
Gli altri tre stand presenteranno un workshop per creare mosaici digitali (bambini 7-13 anni), un gioco con i sassi per creare paesaggi grafici e sonori e un acquario virtuale.
IDI ha inoltre ideato il linguaggio scenografico e il sistema dei gadget dello spazio Telecom, entrambi ispirati da un opera di M.C.Escher e dalle caratteristiche naturali di Genova. I gadget sono pesciolini di colori diversi e componibili, che vengono consegnati all�ingresso di ciascun stand, per permettere ai bambini di giocare all�installazione dell�Acquario Virtuale.
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10 June 2005
Interactivity is at the service of people to simplify and improve the quality of life and the consumption of our art heritage. This is the motto of Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, which presents at the 51st International Art Exhibition, from 12 June until 6 November 2005, the new project of Interactive Maps.
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1 June 2005
On Friday 10 June, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea will present Exit, nineteen projects displaying the most exciting future scenarios in interaction design.
For their final year, the students of Interaction-Ivrea have come up with an array of projects that proves once again the multidisciplinary and questioning nature of the interaction design Masters Course. Taking cue from audio, product design, mobile and wireless technology, fashion, film, sports, graphic design and even theatre, the nineteen students have each devised visionary working prototypes created as their end of year thesis. From a toothbrush that plays your favourite tune when you are brushing correctly, to an intricately designed flower interface that symbolizes the current state of your social relationships; from a wearable system for mountaineers to a series of devices that can enable the compulsions of people with obsessive compulsive disorders, these are just some of the projects on show. Not only new technology then, but also ideas and working prototypes that address social, cultural and psychological issues.
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16 May 2005
Interaction Design Institute Ivrea has been invited to show its work at the forthcoming exhibition Touch Me at the Victoria & Albert Museum London. Touch Me explores the pleasures and sensations of touch, looking at the designed world around us now and what the future holds.
Interaction-Ivrea will present five installations, each showcasing near future scenarios of how interactive environments and products can enhance our tactile experience. From Tune Me an ellipse-shaped structure in which one can listen to radio waves in a constantly changing scenario of light, mood and visual experience to the Message Table, a working desk that transforms itself into a answering machine, Interaction-Ivrea�s work displays a mesmerising vision of design that fuses play, functionality, form and technology.
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10 May 2005
A successful collaboration between Tecno and Interaction Design Institute Ivrea to improve the quality of working environments. A working desktop that transforms itself into an answering machine, a radio that changes stations by rolling over a surface, an egg-shaped scheduling device that changes working appointments with a shake, all these are visionary devices that allow a glimpse of the future.
To celebrate this relationship, Tecno and Interaction Design Institute Ivrea have decided to devote an area of the Institute to the project �Strangely Familiar Future�, locating in the entrance the elegant Nomos by Foster and Parners table upon which all the prototypes produced by Interaction Ivrea will be exhibited. A permanent exhibition inside the institute.
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4 April 2005
During the Milan Furniture Fair 2005, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, in collaboration with Tecno, presents �Strangely Familiar Future. Unusual objects for every day working life�. A collection of working prototypes for office environments that reveal the playful and poetic element of interaction design.
In the evocative atmosphere of the Old Post Office, located inside the Milan Central Station, the students of Interaction�Ivrea display nine objects for every day working life. Taking cue from mundane devices like a telephone, radio, answering machine or an alarm clock, the students have created a series of electronic interactive prototypes that amplify the lost qualities of the physical and tangible world. From a radio which can only be tuned by moving it across a flat surface, to a working desk that transforms itself into a answering machine and an egg shaped scheduling device that works like an hourglass, many are the possible scenarios devised. In the field of design for office environments, the projects of Interaction-Ivrea aim to suggest more meaningful and poetic interactions with the objects that surround us.
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4 April 2005
Interaction-Ivrea participates during the Milan Furniture Fair to the event promoted by the magazine Domus - in collaboration with the Consorzio Milan and the magazine Rolling Stone- in Europe�s most important football stadium. On the 14 April, from 6 pm onwards, the stadium Meazza will be filled with installations, video projections, musicians and artists, featuring both events that last only a couple of minutes with longer and cyclical ones. Among the artists are Matthew Barney, Arto Lindsay, Zaha Hadid and Ettore Sottsass.
Interaction-Ivrea presents THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT, several installations displaying the work in progress of the second year students� thesis. The institute will also show three interactive inflatable structures, one containing information about the institute, a second one on the project INSTANT SOUP and a third one displaying a collaboration with the industrial design department of London�s Central Saint Martins. An exciting night during which the stadium will transform itself into a huge arena of spectacle. The installation is curated by E1 (Tal Drori with Matteo Pastore) and Studio Ape.
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23 March 2005
From the 1 to the 29 April there will be an event titled �Paesaggio/Paessaggi�
The event is promoted by the Ivrea Council and organized by the MAAM, the Museum of modern Architecture of Ivrea in association with the Province of Turin, the Olivetti historic archive and Interaction Design Institute. It wants to offer a moment of reflection and valuation of the different landscapes that the Canavese area and in particular Ivrea offers to the inhabitants and visitors alike, from the natural one to the industrial architecture one, already the subject of a previous seminar in the autumn of 2003.
The talks that will be held at Interaction Design Institute Ivrea are:
Tuesday 19 April 630pm - Professor and designer Stefano Mirti
Thursday 28 April 6.30pm - Architect Paola Vigano
Friday 29 April 6.30pm - Architect Aimaro d�Oreglia Isola
Fur further information www.comune.ivrea.to
15 February 2005
The Signes Prize has this year reached its tenth anniversary. The Signes competition is organized by the Spanish SIGNES Foundation, an organisation aimed at promoting and developing graphic and industrial design, by supporting the entry of students and young designers. The Signes award allows final year design students the opportunity to work at renowned, prestigious design studios or study at education centres. Like last year, the winner of this tenth edition will receive a six months scholarship with all expenses paid at Interaction Design institute Ivrea.
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27 January 2005
Festa della Geografia-Florence
Interaction-Ivrea will transport a CICCIO (curiously inflated computer controlled interactive object) to the Geography Fair event in Florence.
Inside the CICCIO there will be an interactive system based upon radio tag technology, which produces projections on the external walls of the inflatable structure. Inside visitors will be able to interact souvenir objects such as the earth from Siena, the David, a Tuscan cigar and a bottle of Chianti wine. Some of these objects will be vacuumed-packed inside transparent containers bearing each a radio frequency tag. The visitor can lay its object on the tag reader and then a video will be projected on the CICCIO walls. The video will represent a fictional flight into the area symbolized by the object.
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24 January 2005
After two generation of graduates in 2003 and 2004, it�s possible to draw a first analysis of the success which the students of Interaction Design Institute Ivrea are having in the recruitment and international research world. Today the graduates of Interaction-Ivrea work in several different countries, employing their skills to create products, services and technological concepts for the future.
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Saturday 22 January 2005 at 630 pm
Saturday 22 January at 630 pm Interaction Design Institute Ivrea presents Strangely Familiar, a collection of domestic devices redesigned to provide simpler, more meaningful and poetic interactions. Taking cue from either a telephone, radio, answering machine or alarm clock, the students at Interaction-Ivrea have created a series of electronic interactive prototypes that amplify the lost qualities of the physical and tangible world. From a radio which can only be tuned by moving it across a flat surface, to an audio channel system which is always switched on just like a physical chat room, to an alarm clock that turns itself off by squeezing a teddy bear, the variations upon the theme are several.
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10 January 2005
Word City is the installation conceived for Pitti Immagine Uomo 67 by Laboratorium and the Turin based architecture and design studio Cliostraat. A series of large structures in which words play in transforming the architecture into a large notepad. At Word City, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea has created an interactive installation called Cloud. Cloud presents itself as a blue pulsing sphere, made of a hundred displays suspended from above, on which one can read running text. The effect is that of a cloud suspended in mid-air, integrated within the Cliostraat designed structures.
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