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Press Releases
  Death in Venice. A story must tell itself
  Interactive bodysnatchers head north
  Donald Norman at the Triennale
  Festival della Scienza, Genova
  Firenze World Vision
  Beijing Architecture Biennale
  Time for services
  20 new graduates
  Annual Event 2004
  25,000 visitors
  Italian press
  Press quotes
  Signes Award
  Fabbrica Europa
  Interaction-Ivrea alumni
  This is Today � Milan
  Second National Conference of the Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences
  Open Day - 1 April
  Open Day - 26 February
  This is Today � Turin
Press Review


25 November 2004
Death in Venice. A story must tell itself...
On the 3 December, against the stunning backdrop of the Monastery of San Salvador, seat of Telecom's Future Centre, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea presents installations, workshops and narratives for children ranging from 11 to 14 years old. The workshops will deliberately employ a mix of low and high tech approaches, working on the learning, playing and storytelling experiences. In addition, Interaction-Ivrea will bring to Venice La Mia 500, a vintage Fiat 500, with a digital soul, which having floated on the canals like a gondola has finally moored at the monastery. Interaction Ivrea invites everyone to a special event from 6pm to 10pm.
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22 November 2004
Interactive bodysnatchers head north
For the first year, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea has been invited to attend NEXT2004 in Copenhagen, Denmark, a major design event which examines technology as applied to products and devices we come across in all stages of our lives. Interaction-Ivrea will present Smart Skins, a project by Rikako Sakai, Not So White Walls, a project by Dario Buzzini, Tableportation, a project by Peggy Thoeny and Giorgio Olivero,CollaBolla, a project by Jennifer Bove, Simone Pia and Nathan Waterhouse and CreativeCollision, a project by Giovanni Cannata and Anurag Seghal. The installation is curated by Line Ulrika Christiansen. Interaction-Ivrea Associate Professor Simona Maschi will deliver a talk on Innovation at Interaction-Ivrea: when technology meets creativity.
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18 October 2004
Book presentation "Emotional Design" at Triennale in Milan
On Wednesday 10 November 2004, 18:00, the author Donald Norman, Gillian Crampton Smith (Academic Director of Interaction Design Institute Ivrea) and Sebastiano Bagnara (lecturer in psychology and cognitive ergonomics at the Milan Polytechnic and responsible for knowledge exchange at Interaction Design Institute Ivrea) present the Italian edition of the book "Emotional Design", written by Donald Norman with a preface by Sebastiano Bagnara. The book deals with "Emotion", currently one of design's key concepts.
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20 October 2004
Tecnologia, tecnologie.
Gli ultracorpi interattivi al Festival della Scienza, Genoa

From 28 October until 8 November, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea will present, within the Spazio Telecom at the Festival of Science in Genoa, four interactive projects that promote a vision of communication in today's digital world. During the week, Interaction-Ivrea will also present four learning and fun workshops for kids ranging from 11 to 14 years old. In true accordance with the general spirit of the activities promoted by Progetto Italia, the workshops will be accessible to the public. Participants will be able to immerge themselves in new technologies, discovering the pleasure of learning by doing. The workshops will deliberately employ a low tech approach and will be based around the theme of comunication. Starting from a simple activity like drawing their own portrait, the kids will be confronted with different technologies; from the pencil to the computer (passing through a whole series of different tools).
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20 September 2004
Interaction Design lands in Florence - Interaction Design Institute Ivrea attends the Firenze World Vision event with a series of new projects
From 23 to 26 September 2004, The Interaction Design Institute is present at the Firenze World Vision event and will be exhibiting some of its most fascinating projects. On show will be an interactive wallpaper which, when touched lightly, enables you to activate your household appliances; a portable museum made out of an inflatable Ciccio (curiously inflated computer controlled interactive object.), a combat fight suit to turn you into a Ninja TV reviewer, a series of techno bags which react with stains when the mobile rings and jackets that can be adapted for all sorts of interactive actions.
Firenze World Vision is an event focusing on innovation. It features seminars, workshops, and exhibition pavilions. It is attended by universities, research centres, the political, financial and media world.
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20 September 2004
Ciccio goes to China - After Milan and Florence, the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea departs for China, to the first Architecture Biennale in Beijing. New media projects will be presented in the heart of Tien An Men
From 20 September until 10 October 2004, the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea will be in Beijing, as a guest of the first Chinese Architecture Biennale. Interaction-Ivrea will showcase some of its most interesting works within the prestigious pavilion 'Avant-garde', next to academic and research institutions like the London Architectural Association, the Media Lab of MIT, the Harvard Design School and Multiplicity.
The Beijing Architecture Biennale-the first of its kind in China- will be the most comprehensive and diverse presentation of architecture and design culture ever to be shown in Chinese history. Within several sections and pavilions, new concepts, technologies and recent international architecture developments will be shown. One of the organizers' main goal is to create opportunities for Chinese architects to meet and interact with their international colleagues.
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16 July 2004
Now it's Time for Services - Gillian Crampton Smith presented at high-level conference, organised by Ericsson Telecommunications Italy
On 9 and 10 July 2004, Ericsson Telecommunications Italy organised a high level conference in Portofino entitled "Now it's time for services. The contribution of future technologies to a new civil society". Gillian Crampton Smith, academic director of Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, was one of ten high-level speakers at the conference, which featured speeches by Italy's minister of communications, by representatives of public authorities and by the top management of Italy's telecommunications companies, and aimed to assess the state of advanced and highly personalised services, to better understand the future of technologies, and to determine what opportunities civil society could derive from these new technologies and from the expansion of services amongst the public.
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16 July 2004
Twenty new graduates at Interaction Design Institute Ivrea. Prominent guests attend graduation ceremony and exhibition.
On Monday 14 June Interaction Design Institute Ivrea organised its most important event of the year: the 2004 Graduation Ceremony, at which twenty graduating students - from Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden and USA - were awarded the Masters in Interaction Design. The event featured speeches by Andrea Kerbaker, director of Telecom Italia's Progetto Italia, Gillian Crampton Smith, academic director of Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Claudio Ciborra, lecturer at the London School of Economics, Sergio Escobar, director of Milan's Piccolo Teatro, and Peter Cook, director of the Bartlett School of Architecture in London.
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30 June 2004
BITE: a taste of interactive explorations
From Thursday 1 to Sunday 4 July, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea and friends bring to Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo a sampling of interactive explorations developed by international designers during the last year.
The exploration is organized into four zones, each presenting a different perspective on the ways in which technologies and people shape each other. It engages multiple senses not only to excite but to provoke debate.
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27 May 2004
"When Lightning Strikes" - 2nd Annual Event
On Monday 14 June Interaction-Ivrea organises its second Graduation Ceremony. Twenty graduating students will be awarded the Masters in Interaction Design. The event, which runs from 10:00 to 13:00, takes place at the Interaction-Ivrea building, Via Montenavale 1, Ivrea. Prior to the graduation ceremony, students will present their thesis projects in the exhibition When Lightning Strikes. The exhibition, which is free and open to the public, takes place on Friday 11 June from 15:00 to 22:00 and on Saturday 12 June from 11:00 to 19:00 at Interaction Design Institute Ivrea. Interaction-Ivrea invites all to the Graduation Party on Saturday 12 June, starting at 21:30, at the Talponia Student Residence, Via Carandini 6, Ivrea.
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25 April 2004
25,000 visited Interaction-Ivrea exhibit in Milan
An estimated 25,000 visited the six-day exhibition "This is Today. L'invasione degli ultracorpi interattivi" at Milan's Triennale during April's Furniture Fair (14 to 19 April). 6,000 of them came on opening night alone.
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25 April 2004
Italian press highly positive about Milan exhibit
"An example of another Italy that we need more of". This quote, in a Corriere della Sera cover page editorial, was one of the more striking ones in the extensive press coverage on Interaction-Ivrea's six-day exhibition "This is Today. L'invasione degli ultracorpi interattivi".
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25 April 2004
What the Italian press had to say about Milan exhibit
Read a translation of the most salient quotes.
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13 May 2004
SIGNES Award winner will receive Interaction-Ivrea grant
The winner of this year's 9th edition of the Award will receive a trophy designed by Isidro Ferrer (who won the Spanish National Design Award in 2002) and will obtain a scholarship to attend Interaction Design Institute Ivrea.
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3 May 2004
Interaction-Ivrea at Fabbrica Europa XI in Florence - from Wednesday 5 May to Saturday 8 May
Interaction-Ivrea presents its projects Collabolla and Creative Collisions at Fabbrica Europa XI in Florence. The projects will be operating in the Media House, inside Stazione Leopolda, from Wednesday 5 May to Saturday 8 May.
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16 April 2004
Interaction-Ivrea alumni defining the shape of products, services and concepts to come
The 2003 graduates of Interaction Design Institute Ivrea are working in about ten countries across the globe, using their interaction design skills to define the shape of technological products, services and concepts to come. About half of the 2003 alumni are working for companies. The other half is involved in research, teaching and design work for educational and social institutions.
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25 March 2004
This is Today. L'invasione degli Ultracorpi Interattivi
Interaction Design Institute Ivrea takes new media into our daily lives and presents interactive objects, environments and services to look at, touch and try out.
14-19 April 2004, from 10 am to 10 pm - Milan Triennale, Palazzo dell'Arte
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15 March 2004
On 19 and 20 March 2004, Interaction-Ivrea hosts the second national conference of the Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences
On Friday 19 and Saturday 20 March, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea will host the second national conference of the Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences, in a co-organisation with the Centre for Cognitive Economics of the Universit� del Piemonte Orientale and the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the National Research Centre (CNR).
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9 March 2004
Open Day for Prospective Students - Thursday 1 April 2004
To learn more about our Institute, to meet our faculty and students and to see how we work, you are more than welcome to come to our Open Day for prospective students.
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6 February 2004
Open Day for Prospective Students - Thursday 26 February 2004
To learn more about our Institute, to meet our faculty and students and to see how we work, you are more than welcome to come to our Open Day for prospective students.
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22 January 2004
This is today
At in Torino we strut our stuff! Student projects, scheduled for Display at Salone del Mobile in April get their first public showing in an exciting location. Pop-mail typewriters, interaction by throwing stones, digital wallpaper, audiograffiti, a jumpy interface to Pac Man, inflatable houses, self-modifying bags will be there with their designers.
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