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General Web Site Disclaimer by Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (the "INSTITUTE")

The Interaction Design Institute web site (the "Web Site") may contain information, data, documents and other material (cumulatively, the "Information") protected under applicable international and domestic legislation concerning copyright, patents and other rights on intellectual property. Information in the Web Site is shown for educational, knowledge sharing or personal purposes, exclusively. Terms and restrictions of any authorship, ownership, exploitation or other rights must be complied with by any web user, irrespective of whether or not proprietary notices, copyright information or other advice, are posted on the Web Site.

Interaction Design Institute (the "INSTITUTE") is not responsible for any Information on the Web Site that may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice. The INSTITUTE may also make improvements and/or changes to any of the activities or the programs or the services disclosed in its Web Site, at any time.

The INSTITUTE assumes no responsibility regarding the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the Information and its use is at the user's own risk. The INSTITUTE provides no assurances that any reported problems or any questions may be resolved or answered with the use of any Information that the INSTITUTE provides. By supplying Information, the INSTITUTE does not grant any implied licenses to any copyrights, patents or any other intellectual property rights or any other rights whatsoever.

The INSTITUTE does not want to receive, and generally bans any user from sending, personal confidential, sensitive or quasi-sensitive data through its Web Site. Notwithstanding the above, in connection with particular circumstances, individual users may be willing to permit the use of their own personal data by the INSTITUTE, for example, for recruiting purposes or for evidencing their role in connection with a particular project. In such cases, interested users shall send such personal data to specifically protected sections of the Web Site and expressly authorise the INSTITUTE to use them in writing (digital signature acceptable only if appropriately certified), specifying the particular purpose of the use being permitted. Immediate and permanent deletion of any personal data will ensue from any failure to comply with such requirements. Users are advised in general that any Information sent to the INSTITUTE, unless otherwise highlighted in writing, will be deemed not to be confidential and the INSTITUTE will act accordingly.

The INSTITUTE reminds any users of the Web Site, that infringements to third parties' intellectual rights as well as failure to acknowledge the use of other persons' ideas, are material violations of applicable legislation and third parties' rights, and may lead to contractual or extra-contractual actions at law as well as governmental and even criminal prosecution for breach of the academic Regulations. By sending any Information to the INSTITUTE, the sender agrees to make his/her/its best efforts to provide accurate evidence of the source of the Information, including, without limitation, author(s), inventors(s), researcher(s), developer(s), publisher(s), publishing or legal protection details, availability or use restrictions. Based on the above, whenever the INSTITUTE receives Information without third parties' proprietary notices, warnings, source details or other indications that the material is restricted, the INSTITUTE will deem, in good faith, that the Information is the sender's individual product. Such being the case, by sending Information to the INSTITUTE, any sender shall be supposed to grant the INSTITUTE an unrestricted, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit and distribute such Information and to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, processes or techniques expressed or implied in such Information, for any licit purpose. However, the INSTITUTE will not release senders' names or otherwise publicise the fact that a web user submitted Information unless, in each relevant case: (i) the INSTITUTE obtains specific permission to use the sender's name; or (ii) the INSTITUTE first notifies the sender that the Information submitted will be published or otherwise divulged with the sender's name on it; or (iii) the INSTITUTE is required to do so by law.

Information published on the World Wide Web may contain references or cross references to the INSTITUTE's activities, programs and services that had not been planned or announced by the INSTITUTE or that are not available in countries other than Italy. Such references do not imply that the INSTITUTE planned or intends to undertake or announce such activities, programs or services, unless it expressly specifies otherwise. The INSTITUTE's obligations with respect to its activities, programs and services are governed solely by the agreements under which they are provided. If anyone obtains or believes to have obtained a service from the INSTITUTE on or off this Web Site that is provided without an agreement, that service is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties whatsoever, expressed or implied, and the recipient's use of that service is at his/her/its own risk.

The INSTITUTE makes no representations whatsoever about any other web sites which users may access through that of the INSTITUTE. When somebody accesses a non-INSTITUTE web site, even one that may contain the INSTITUTE logo, he/she/it shall understand that it is independent from INSTITUTE and that the INSTITUTE has no control over the contents on that web site. In addition, a link to a non-INSTITUTE web site, does not mean that the INSTITUTE endorses or accepts any responsibility for the contents or the use of such other web site. It is up to individual web users to take precautions to ensure that whatever is selected for use, is free of such items as viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other items of a destructive nature.

In no event shall the INSTITUTE be deemed or be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages for any use of this Web Site, or on any other hyper linked web site, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or other data on any information handling system or elsewhere, even if the INSTITUTE is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.

To avoid any misunderstanding, the INSTITUTE expressly declares that, all Information in the Web Site provided by the INSTITUTE is on an "AS IS" basis only. The INSTITUTE provides no representations nor warranties, express or implied, including, for example, the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability and non-infringement.